
डिजिटल माध्यमांनाही मिळणार आता सरकारी जाहिराती, राज्य सरकारचा मसुदा तयार ! सरकारी जाहिराती मिळवण्यासाठी जाणून घ्या मसुद्यातील मार्गदर्शक सूचना !!

डिजिटल माध्यम जाहिरात मार्गदर्शक सूचनेबाबत अभिप्राय/शिफारशी पाठविण्याचे आवाहन

मुंबई, दि. 30 : राज्य शासनाच्या विविध विभागांच्या लोकाभिमुख योजना, निर्णय, ध्येय-धोरणे, इत्यादींची माहिती विविध डिजिटल माध्यमांद्वारे जनसामान्यांपर्यंत पोहोचविण्यात येतात. राज्य शासनाच्या माहिती व जनसंपर्क महासंचालनालयामार्फत डिजिटल माध्यम जाहिरात मार्गदर्शक सूचनेचा प्राथमिक मसुदा तयार करण्यात आला आहे.

डिजिटल माध्यम जाहिरात मार्गदर्शक सूचनेचा प्राथमिक मसुदा प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आला आहे. या मसुद्याबाबत अभिप्राय, सूचना आणि शिफारशी ३१ डिसेंबर २०२३ पर्यंत dgiprsocialmedia@gmail.com या ई-मेलवर पाठवाव्यात, असे आवाहन माहिती व जनसंपर्क महासंचालनालयाने केले आहे.

Digital Media Advertising Guidelines, 2023 of Government of Maharashtra
Directorate General of Information & Public
General Administration Department
Government of Maharashtra
September 2023
Draft made by EY
1. Short title and extent of Guidelines
These guidelines may be called Digital Media Advertising Guidelines, 2023 and
shall be applicable in the State of Maharashtra on and with effect from the date of its
publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Objective
Guidelines for Expanding the Outreach of Government Schemes and Initiatives
Through Digital Media
1. Improved Outreach: Enhance the government’s ability to reach a wider audience and
effectively communicate information about various schemes, programs, and
initiatives to the public.
2. Real-time Interaction: Utilize the interactive and real-time nature of digital media to
engage with citizens, address their queries, and provide timely updates on government
3. Assured Visibility: Ensure that government messages gain increased visibility and
reach the intended beneficiaries through various digital media platforms.
4. Quality Control: Maintain high standards of content quality, accuracy, and relevance
when disseminating government information through digital media, ensuring that the
content is credible and informative.
5. Reporting and Accountability: Require agencies to submit periodic reports on
digital advertising activities, promoting transparency and accountability in
government communications.
6. Enforcement of Guidelines: Address persistent or severe violations through
appropriate disciplinary actions in alignment with relevant laws and policies.
7. Periodic Review: Periodically review the guidelines to ensure their continued
relevance and effectiveness in the ever-evolving digital media landscape.
8. Introduction of Web Jackets Ads: Innovate by introducing Web Jackets Ads for
websites and web-based applications, enhancing the visual and interactive elements
of major government campaigns.

3. Definitions
Unless there is something repugnant in the subject or context, the terms used in this
Guidelines are in the sense explained here under:
a) “Government” means the Government of the State of Maharashtra.
b) “Competent Authority” means the Director General of Information & Public
Relations, Maharashtra, or any other officer authorized as such by him for this
specific purpose.
c) “Department” means the General Administrative Department, in the Government
of Maharashtra.
d) “Date of Empanelment” means the date of issuance of letter of empanelment.
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e) “DAVP Rates” mean the rates decided by the Directorate of Advertising and
Visual Publicity, Government of India.
f) “DGIPR Rates” mean the rates decided by the Directorate General of Information
& Public Relations, Government of Maharashtra.
g) “Blacklist” means debarring an agency from the privilege and advantage of
entering lawful relationship with the Government for purposes of gains.
h) “Bankrupt or insolvent” the term used in these guidelines shall have the same
meaning as defined in clause (3) of section 79 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Code 2016.

i) “Web Channel” shall include any internet-based Channel permanently engaged
in programming and verified by YouTube and Meta platforms; and “Websites”
mean a collection of various web pages linked to a particular web domain, which
are operated through internet. It should have URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to
ensure that it is a part of World Wide Web (www).
j) “Application” An application program (software application, or application, or
app for short) is a software that can be used by a computer, mobile device, or tablet
to perform useful tasks with specific functions and can be accessed from any
device with internet connections
k) “Social Media Influencer” is someone who creates entertaining or educational
material to be expressed through a digital medium or channel, ` has a mass appeal
& social impact.
l) “Celebrity” A celebrity is famous, especially and has had a significant social
contribution and can positively influence the masses.
m) “OTT Platform” a media streaming service offered directly to viewers via the
n) “Advertisement” means advertisements of all the Departments, Public Sector
Undertakings (PSUs) and Autonomous Bodies such as Boards and Corporations,
Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), Universities, various Commissions, Authorities,
Societies constituted by Government Departments, Trusts under the Government,
Companies, Apex Cooperative Institutions, and other State Government
Institutions (SGIs) and Organizations etc., released through DGIPR or
society/agency constituted for the purpose.

o) Pixels: The pixel is the basic unit of programmable colour on a computer display
or in a computer image. Pixel Dimensions are the horizontal and vertical
measurements of an image expressed in pixels. The pixel dimensions may be
determined by multiplying both the width and the height by the DPI (dots per
p) “Unique User/Visitor” means counts of website’s individual visitor/one visitor
over a specific period. It does not matter how many times they visited the website
during that period. i.e., if one individual visited the site ten times, still count that
person as one visit.
q) Web Banner Advertisement: Means a form of advertising on the World Wide
Web (WWW) delivered by an ad server. This form of online advertising entails
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embedding an advertisement into a web page. The web banner will be in the shape
of animation, fix and rotating.
r) Video Advertisement: Means a visual presentation, typically a moving picture
which is accompanied by sound.
s) “CPTI” (Cost per thousand impression) represents the cost an advertiser pays
to obtain 1000 views or impressions of an advertisement.
t) “CTR” (Click Through Rate) is the number of clicks that your ad receives
divided by the number of times your ad is shown.
u) BOC: Bureau of Outreach & Communication.

v) Advertisement Rate: Means rates of advertisements approved by the State
Government from time to time for release of advertisements to News
Websites/Web Portals.
w) Empanelment: Means to add or include News Websites/Web Portals in a list of
Websites/Web Portals maintained by the Director Information and Public
Relations as per the prescribed procedure and criteria fixed for this purpose for the
release of State Government advertisements.
x) Empanelment and Rate Advisory Committee: A Committee of the officers of
the Information and Public Relations Department constituted to examine the
applications for empanelment and recommend the empanelment of the eligible
Websites/Web Portals, Web Channels, Applications and Social media influencers.
y) Web Jacket Ads: Jackets are extra page on the home page/screen meant to carry
advertisements and are placed before the front page on the website or web channel.
4. Standard Guidelines:
 All advertisements will be exclusively placed at the State level.
 The Directorate General of Information and Public Relations (DGIPR) will hold sole
rights to advertisements displayed across all internet-based media platforms.
 Advertisements shall not be restricted by geographical boundaries and should be
broadcasted on the worldwide web (WWW).
 The rate structure for advertisements will be adopted from the Directorate of
Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP) or DGIPR rates, whichever is lower.
 The proposed committee or DGIPR will have sole rights to select the agency for ad
promotion based on the situation and target audience of the scheme, campaign, or

 Agencies with a history of malpractices or similar violations will not be empanelled.
 Content categories of the content creators will be considered and monitored during the
empanelment process.
 The empanelment process will be conducted online, and the review and grading of
applied agencies will be based on their performance and reach. DGIPR will categorize
agencies accordingly (A, B, C, etc) based on the submitted documents.
 The duration of advertisements may vary based on the nature of the campaign or
 Advertisements with fixed durations should be promptly removed after the end of the
campaign or initiative.
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 Agencies are required to submit periodic reports on digital advertising activities to the
appropriate authority for review and assessment.
 Persistent or severe violations may lead to further disciplinary actions in accordance
with relevant laws and policies.
 These guidelines shall be subject to periodic review to ensure their continued
relevance and effectiveness.
 The Directorate plans to introduce Web Jackets Ads for advertisements on websites
and web-based applications for major campaigns of the State Government.
Guidelines for Web Jacket Ads on Government Websites
1. The various departments of the Government of Maharashtra and their allied offices
with government websites (gov.in) are obligated to display the web jacket ads
provided by the Directorate General of Information and Public Relations (DGIPR) on
their respective websites.
2. Government departments shall initiate the process by approaching DGIPR for digital
advertisement purposes related to various schemes and programs within their
respective domains.
3. All digital advertisements intended for placement on government websites must
undergo a pre-approval process by DGIPR.
4. The approval process entails a comprehensive review of the advertisement’s content,
its relevance, compliance with government policies, and adherence to ethical
5. Web jacket ads should be strategically placed in designated areas on government
websites, ensuring they do not interfere with the provision of essential services and
access to critical information. Ads must not obstruct or overshadow crucial public
6. To promote fairness and diversity, multiple advertisements from different government
departments or agencies should be rotated on government websites.
7. Priority should be given to advertisements that promote public awareness campaigns
and essential government services, ensuring that vital information is readily accessible
to citizens.

8. Government departments and agencies are responsible for regularly monitoring the
performance and impact of digital advertisements to ensure their effectiveness and
9. These guidelines are designed to facilitate the proper placement of web jacket ads on
government websites, ensuring that they are informative, non-disruptive, and aligned
with government policies and priorities.
Draft made by EY
Guidelines for Empanelment of Non-Government Websites for Government
1. Eligibility Criteria
Websites already empanelled with the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP)
will be automatically considered empanelled with DGIPR, Maharashtra, based on the criteria
established by DAVP. Empanelment eligibility is contingent on the website’s continuous
operation under the same name (website address), calculated retroactively from the
empanelment application date.
For new websites applying for empanelment under Categories A, B, and C, rates will be
determined according to the prevailing rates defined by DAVP or DGIPR.
First-time empanelment for websites in Categories D and E will be processed based on the
rates specified by DGIPR.
2. Financial Documentation
Websites must provide income tax return certificates for the last five years, demonstrating
earned revenue from their sites.
Website owners must furnish registration documents, PAN Card, and address details of their
firm or company. Applications submitted directly by website-owning companies or individuals
will be considered, and intermediary agencies will not be eligible to apply on behalf of
websites or website groups.
3. Reporting Unique Users
Websites must report their certified “Minimum Average Unique Users” monthly, based on
data from the preceding six months before the empanelment application date. Certification of
user data must be conducted by a reputable agency as specified by DAVP or DGIPR. Unique
users from both mobile and desktop platforms will be considered.
4. Empanelment of Multiple Websites
Different websites within a single company or group may be empanelled, provided each
website individually meets the Unique User Criteria. Combining or aggregating unique user
counts from different websites within one group or company is not permitted. In such cases,
separate applications for each website should be submitted, along with other formalities.
5. Preference for Maharashtra-Based Content
Websites or web portals owned and operated by companies, firms, or individuals incorporated
in India, especially those featuring content related to Maharashtra and impacting the state or
benefiting its image, will receive preference for empanelment. Government
advertisements/messages must be prominently displayed on these websites for maximum
viewership, as specified in the Release Order.
6. Rate Consistency
Once accepted, there will be no changes in the rates offered to empanelled websites or web
portals throughout the empanelment period. Websites must bear the costs associated with
technical requirements, such as adapting the department’s design format to the website’s
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format. The department may empanel a Third-Party Ad Server (3-PAS) for verification and
cross-checking of advertisement displays on websites and web portals.
7. Target Audience and Advertisement Impact
The effectiveness of advertisements on these websites will be evaluated concerning their
impact on public awareness and campaign objectives. DGIPR may specify the target audience
for advertisements, whether within the state, pan India, or both, as required.
8. Reporting and Compliance
Empanelled agencies must provide their Google Analytics access credentials and integrate
their Google Analytics accounts with those of DGIPR. Unique User Data should be submitted
based on Google Analytics and Google Ad Manager reports when billing DGIPR. DGIPR
reserves the right to audit empanelled websites at its discretion, and website owners are
responsible for compliance with all relevant rules and regulations of the Government of India
and the State of Maharashtra.

9. Compliance and Suspension
DGIPR holds the right to decline or suspend empanelment if the content of any empanelled
website or web portal is found to be anti-national, obscene, indecent, anti-social, in violation
of communal harmony and national integrity, or in violation of extant cyber laws and deemed
objectionable by a competent committee. Actions against such websites will be in accordance
with the applicable laws at that time.
These guidelines outline the criteria, processes, and responsibilities related to the empanelment
of websites for government advertisements, with an emphasis on transparency, accountability,
and adherence to guidelines and policies.
To qualify for empanelment, websites seeking consideration must meet specific criteria.
1. First, their domain registration for the server hosting the website should be for a
minimum of five years.
2. Each website category must attain a minimum Unique User count, representing the
number of visitors.
3. Furthermore, websites are required to prominently display essential information about
their publisher, director, editor, along with contact details, such as mobile number,
email address, and the physical address of the editorial office.
4. Websites should be regularly updated daily, providing fresh and current content.
Empanelled websites are expected to focus exclusively on display advertising,
particularly visual advertisements.
5. They must maintain an online presence for at least two years without altering their name
or URL during this period.
6. Importantly, websites should consistently attract a monthly unique user count
exceeding ten thousand, with Google Analytics providing feedback and reporting on
this user count.
7. These criteria are designed to ensure that empanelled websites are well-established,
routinely updated, and capable of reaching a substantial audience, enhancing their
effectiveness for government advertising purposes.
Draft made by EY
Payment Procedures:
All websites are required to electronically submit their complete invoices, along with display
certificates for the content or advertisements, within 30 days of either the campaign’s
completion or the last date of monthly telecast/display.
In the case of advertisements or campaigns released by DGIPR, a minimum Click-Through
Rate (CTR) of 0.30 (equivalent to 3 clicks per thousand impressions or 3000 clicks per
million impressions) is mandatory for all categories.
This CTR requirement must be reflected in the reports generated through Google Analytics
Report, Google Ad Manager, or any third-party Ad server engaged by DGIPR for payment
CTR falling below 0.3 but up to 0.2 per release order will result in a 20 percent deduction
from the billed amount.
CTR below 0.2 but up to 0.1 per release order will lead to a 30 percent deduction in the
billed amount, while CTR less than 0.1 will entail a 50 percent deduction, following DAVP’s
Empanelled agencies are responsible for daily submission of screenshots and live links of
the website portal once the publicity campaign goes live. Screenshots should be provided at
regular intervals, including in the morning, evening, and night.
Payment will be processed exclusively through e-payment methods. In the event of excess
payment, recovery procedures will be initiated by the client.
If an empanelled website consistently refuses to accept and carry advertisements issued by
DGIPR, Maharashtra, it may face debarment from department campaigns for the remaining
period of its empanelment.
Applicable GST and other taxes will be as per the relevant provisions.
The Directorate General of Information and Public Relations, Maharashtra will accept the
rates approved by DAVP or BOC for release of advertisement to the websites/web portals.
The DGIPR may revise the rates, when needed in Categories D & E.
The Directorate General of Information and Public Relations, Maharashtra will decide the
duration and rates of the web Jacket Ads provided to the agencies as per the requirements.

Web Channels:
Eligibility Criteria
Every Channel shall have to fulfil the following general and technical qualifications to be
eligible for empanelment with the Department, namely:
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a) Only Channels owned and operated by registered companies and limited liability
partnership firms registered with State Government or Government of
India other than individuals shall be considered for empanelment.
b) The Channel or its owner or partners should not be bankrupt or insolvent.
c) The Channel or the owner or partners should not have been in the dispute,
blacklisted or dis-empanelled by any State Government or Government of India.
The applicant shall upload a self-declaration to this effect when the department
may verify.
d) The Channel should have continuously operated under the same name for a
minimum period of three years.
e) The publicity impact of advertisement through such Web Channels will also be
considered, while empanelling these Web Channels for the purpose of
Government advertisements. DGIPR can specify the target audience for the
advertisement/ campaign within state or pan India or both as per the requirement.
f) The Channel must have a verified Meta page or YouTube Channel. All these
channels must be in active operations from the last six months.
g) The Channel must submit the Meta analytics and YouTube analytics report for a
period of six months before the date of application.
h) The Channel should have uploaded at least 100 videos or sound bites (minimum 1
minute of duration) in the period of six months.
i) The Channel should have an office in Maharashtra.
j) The Channel should have filed Income Tax Returns for at least one year before
filling of the application for empanelment and shall attach copies thereof with the
k) The empanelment shall be non-transferable.
l) The Channel should have at least Five lakh subscribers/followers on the date of
submission of application for empanelment, by way ofi. Verified Meta official page or
ii. Verified YouTube official channel.
Mode of Payment
i. The Channel shall be obliged to submit its bills (in hard copy and soft file),
complete in all respects, within thirty days of completion of the campaign, along
with certificates to the effect that the advertisement has been displayed or relayed
on the Channel. The Channel shall also provide the entire schedule or log of the
displayed or related advertisements along with YouTube Analytics and Meta
Analytics and PDF files of the daily screenshots.
ii. Online payments shall be made by the competent authority for only that period
during which the advertisement was displayed or relayed at the DGIPR/DAVP
iii. The Channel shall abide by all the instructions of the Government issued from
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iv. The Channel will be required to submit certified data regarding its views and
followers/subscribers whenever demanded by the Department. If required, the
Department may, from time-to-time, re-check or assign any agency to review the
data provided by the Channel.
v. The Channel shall provide an undertaking that the rates accepted by them from
the Department, are the lowest.
vi. The payment shall be made through e-payment Platform only. Recovery shall be
made in case of excess payment by the client. An empanelled web channel can be
debarred from department campaigns, for the remaining period of his
empanelment, if it deliberately and consistently refuses to accept and carry
advertisements issued by DGIPR, Maharashtra.
vii. GST & Other Taxes will be applicable as per the provision.

Rate structure and advertisement format
i. The minimum base rate fixed in a category for the ads would be offered to all applicant
web channels in the category found eligible based on minimum subscriber data.
ii. The minimum base rate for the Aston Band Format ads and L Band Format ads would
be offered to all applicant web channels in that category found eligible based on
minimum subscriber data.
Government Advertisement Format:
i. Aston Band Format: The advertisements shall be shared in animated Aston band
format to be used on videos exclusively for the Government. No other advertisements
shall be posted alongside Government advertisements on these particular set of
ii. Video ads: Video advertisements of duration of fifteen seconds to thirty seconds shall
be embedded within particular videos after one minute as a part of the video.
iii. L Band format: The advertisements in L Band format shall be displayed for fifteen
seconds along with other advertisements and shall be given priority.
Advertisement shall only be inserted on videos in a verified Meta or YouTube Channel,
empanelled with the Government of Maharashtra.
Draft made by EY
In- Application Advertising (including OTT Platforms)
Eligibility Criteria
Every internet based mobile, and Desktop Application shall fulfil the eligibility for
empanelment with the Department, namely:
a) The Application should be operating on the major application stores including Google
play store and Apple App store.
b) The empanelment of Applications for advertising with DGIPR Maharashtra will be
done in three Categories; A, B & C and will be at rates defined by DGIPR.
c) The application will be categorised and considered based on the number of downloads
of the application. In case of the application being available on both, Google play store
and Apple App store, the platform on which the number of downloads is the highest
will be considered.
d) Alongside the downloads, the number of unique active users will also be considered.
It shall be crucial for the company or the owner or partners owning the application to
report their duly certified, ‘Unique Active users’ (from within India), every month
(based on the data of six months immediately preceding the date of applying for
empanelment). The report so furnished shall be certified by reputed agency as
prescribed or specified by the DGIPR. For consideration, active users of a particular
applications will be counted for mobile and desktop data both.
e) The App must submit the Google Play store analytics and Apple App Store analytics
report for a period of six months before the date of application.
f) The App should have continuously operated under the same name for a minimum
period of three years.
g) The publicity impact of advertisement through such applications will also be
considered, while empanelling these applications for the purpose of Government
advertisements. DGIPR can specify the target audience for the advertisement/
campaign within state or pan India or both as per the requirement.
h) The company or the owner or partners should not have been in the dispute, blacklisted
or dis-empanelled by any State Government or Government of India. The applicant
shall upload a self-declaration to this effect when the department may verify.
i) All types of ads provided on the App must be enlisted.
j) Apps with gaming, gambling, betting, and financial risking will be excluded from the

Mode of Payment
i. Every application operator will be obliged to submit its complete bills
electronically in all respects along with the display certificates of the
contents/advertisement within 30 days of completion of the campaign or last date
of monthly telecast/display.
ii. For advertisement/Campaign/ Video advertisement released by DGIPR, a
minimum click-Through Rate (CTR) of 0.30 (i.e., 3 clicks per thousand
impressions or 3000 clicks per million impressions) shall be mandatory across all
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categories which should be reflected in the reports generated through the Google
Analytic Report & Google Ad Manager or third-party Ad server engaged by
DGIPR for payment purposes. CTR less than 0.3 but up to 0.2 per release order
will invite a deduction of 20 percent in the billed amount. CTR of less than 0.2 but
up to 0.1 per release order will invite a deduction of 30 percent in the billed amount
while CTR less than 0.1 would invite deduction of 50 percent on the pattern of
iii. Screenshot of the website portal will be submitted by the empanelled agency on
daily basis once the publicity campaign goes live. (Screenshots should be reflected
at regular intervals, i.e., morning, evening, and night).
iv. The payment shall be made through e-Kuber platform only. Recovery shall be
made in case of excess payment by the client. An empanelled website can be
debarred from department campaigns, for the remaining period of his
empanelment, if it deliberately and consistently refuses to accept and carry
advertisements issued by DGIPR, Maharashtra.
v. GST & Other Taxes will be applicable as per the provision.
Rate structure and advertisement format
The minimum base rate fixed in a category for the ads would be offered to all internet
application in the category found eligible based on the downloads and active user data.
The Directorate General of Information and Public Relations, Maharashtra will decide the
duration and rates of the Jacket Ads provided to the agencies as per the requirements.

Social Media Influencers
Eligibility Criteria
Every Social Media Influencer/ Content Creator shall have to fulfil the following general and
technical qualifications to be eligible for empanelment with the Department, namely:
a) The Social Media Influencer/ Content Creator should be operating their handle/ page/
channel through the mentioned platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and
b) The empanelment of Social Media Influencer/ Content Creator for advertising with
DGIPR Maharashtra will be done in three Categories; A, B & C and will be at rates
defined by DGIPR.
c) The Social Media Influencer/ Content Creator must provide income tax return
certificate of the last two-years in reference to earned revenue from these sites.
d) Different handles/ pages/ channels belonging to one individual /group can be
empanelled, provided they individually fulfil the minimum subscribers/ followers’
criteria. In other words, bunching/ adding of subscribers/ followers of the different
handles/ pages/ channels of one individual /group shall not be permitted. In such cases,
separate applications for each platform may be submitted along with other formalities.
e) The owner of the handle/ page/ channel must provide documents of registration, PAN
Card/Address details. The applications submitted directly by the owners owning and
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operating the handle/ page/ channel will only be entertained. In other words, no
intermediary agency will be eligible to apply on their behalf.
f) The owner (individual/ group) should not have been in any dispute, blacklisted or disempanelled by any State Government or Government of India. The applicant shall
upload a self-declaration to this effect when the department may verify
Mode of Payment:
i. The Social Media Influencer / Content Creator shall be obliged to submit its bills
(in hard copy and soft file), complete in all respects, within thirty days of completion
of the campaign, along with completion certificate to the effect that the advertisement
has been displayed or relayed on the Platform. The Social Media Influencer / Content
Creator shall also provide the entire schedule or log of the displayed or related
advertisements along with YouTube Analytics, Meta Analytics & Twitter Analytics
and PDF files of the daily screenshots.
ii. Online payments shall be made by the competent authority for only that period during
which the advertisement was displayed or relayed at the DGIPR rates.
iii. The Social Media Influencer / Content Creator shall abide by all the instructions of the
Government issued from time-to-time.
iv. The Social Media Influencer / Content Creator will be required to submit certified data
regarding its views and followers/subscribers whenever demanded by the Department.
If required, the Department may, from time-to-time, re-check or assign any agency to
review the data provided by the Social Media Influencer / Content Creator.
v. The Social Media Influencer / Content Creator shall provide an undertaking that the
rates accepted by them from the Department, are the lowest.
vi. The payment shall be made through e-billing (e-Kuber) Platforms only. Recovery shall
be made in case of excess payment by the client.
vii. GST & Other Taxes will be applicable as per the provision.
viii. Failing to submit any of the following requirement shall result in delayed payment
ix. Social Media handles/pages/channels fulfilling all the norms will be issued
advertisement of the prescribed amount up to the maximum limit of their category:
1. For category A, not exceeding 7 lakhs per annum
2. For category B, not exceeding 5 lakhs per annum
3. For category C, not exceeding 3 lakhs per annum
The maximum limit mentioned above can be exceeded if deemed necessary by the State
Celebrities and Impactful Social Personalities
Celebrity can be defined as a person who is well renowned in their field and have/ had a
significant social/economical contribution and impact.
If a celebrity is to be considered for advertising, DGIPR can approach the same for the
campaign/ advertisement of the government schemes/ policies. The celebrities shall be
selected based on their target audience and their social impact in the society.
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The payment and its mode shall be discussed with the individual entity and be decided at the
time of campaign by DGIPR.
Rate structure and advertisement format
The minimum base rate fixed in a category for the ads would be offered to all social media
influencers and content creators in the category found eligible based on the followers and

Empanelment Advisory Committee (EAC) / Regulatory Committee:
To evaluate applications from websites, web channels, and other digital media platforms
seeking empanelment or registration for receiving advertisements under these guidelines, an
Empanelment Advisory Committee (EAC) will be established.
This committee will be composed of the following members: Directorate General of DGIPR,
serving as the Chairperson; Director of Administration; Director of News; Deputy Director
of Publication; Deputy Director of News; Deputy Director of Accounts; Accounts Officer;
and a Senior Officer from NIC.
The EAC will not only recommend the rate structure and categorization of digital media
platforms lacking DAVP-approved rates but also seeking registration for DGIPR
Maharashtra’s advertisement releases. Its recommendations will be submitted to the
Directorate General of Information and Public Relations Department, Maharashtra, for
Furthermore, the EAC will consider additional incentives for agencies based on their reach
or impressions, following a review of the analytical reports submitted. This committee will
also have the authority to establish Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with specific
prominent digital advertising agencies for the purpose of advertising.
Technical Committee
This committee will also establish a technical team within DGIPR, which will include a
Digital Marketing Manager, Data Analysts, a Communication and Digital Media Officer, and
a Digital Marketing Specialist. This team will be responsible for verifying the monthly
analytical reports and data submitted by the empanelled agencies. Additionally, they will
review reports related to CPTI, CPM, CTR, and other metrics of the agencies, facilitating the
performance-based payment process.
The committee will consist of experts in various domains:
1. Advertising Technology Experts: These individuals possess a deep understanding of
ad tech, including ad servers, ad exchanges, demand-side platforms (DSPs), supplyside platforms (SSPs), real-time bidding (RTB), header bidding, and programmatic
Draft made by EY
2. Data and Analytics Specialists: These experts are skilled in data analysis, data science,
and data privacy, enabling them to develop and enforce standards for data collection,
utilization, and protection in digital advertising.
3. User Experience Designers: This group of designers focuses on creating user-friendly
ad formats that enhance user experience while achieving advertising objectives.
4. Security and Fraud Prevention Specialists: These professionals specialize in ad fraud
detection, prevention, and cybersecurity, contributing to the maintenance of the
integrity of the advertising ecosystem.

5. Standardization and Protocols Experts: Individuals well-versed in industry standards,
they assist in developing and maintaining technical protocols that facilitate
communication between different components of the advertising ecosystem.
6. Mobile and Cross-Platform Experts: Specialists who understand the unique challenges
and opportunities presented by mobile advertising and cross-platform campaigns.
Validity of the Empanelment
The empanelment shall be valid for a period of two years from the date of empanelment. The
Competent Authority may extend the empanelment further for a period of one year at a time.
Every year an updated report is to be submitted by empanelled agencies to continue to be
empanelled with DGIPR. Failure to submit a report will result in delisting from the
empanelled list. An open empanelment will be implemented by DGIPR, and any agency can
apply to DGIPR by submitting an application to DGIPR between the 1st to 7th day in the
months February, May, August or November.
Advertisement Guidelines:
1. DGIPR Maharashtra will issue work orders at rates prescribed by DAVP or will
establish rates where DAVP rates are undefined. Rates for a specific category cannot
exceed the rates prescribed for the immediately higher category.
2. Empanelment for all categories will remain open throughout the year, and DGIPR
Maharashtra will accept and process empanelment applications in accordance with the
3. DGIPR will charge an empanelment application fee of Rs. 10,000 for each application.
4. Websites, web channels, applications, and social media influencers must submit online
and physical bills, along with a campaign analytical report, within 30 days from the
last day of the Release Order.
5. It is the responsibility of website, web channel, application, and social media influencer
owners to comply with the rules and regulations prescribed by the Centre/State
Government as required.
6. The nature of work will be based on the specific advertisement campaign, which may
include audio, audio-visual, creatives, graphics, and similar elements.
7. Once rates have been offered to and accepted by an empanelled agency, there will be
no rate changes for the entire duration of empanelment until rates are revised by either
DAVP or DGIPR Maharashtra.
Draft made by EY
8. Any technical requirements, such as adapting the design format provided by DGIPR
Maharashtra to the website’s format, will be the responsibility of the website, web
channel, application, or social media influencer.

9. DGIPR will periodically define rates for Category A-C (based on DAVP Rates) and
Category D-E for the following:
a) Standard Banners: Rates must be quoted in Rs. for banner sizes, including
300 x 250 Pixels and 728 x 90 Pixels, on a CPTI basis.
b) Video Ads: Applicants should quote rates in Rs. per five seconds for video
c) Fixed Banner/Property on Home Page: Rates for fixed properties on the first
scroll of a website’s Home Page, with a minimum display size of 350 x 250
pixels, will be quoted separately for a six-hour slot and 24-hour basis.
d) Fixed Video Ads on Home Page: Rates for fixed video ads on the first scroll
of a website or news web channel’s Home Page, visible to all visitors for one
or more days as required, will be quoted for a 24-hour slot.
Suspension of Empanelment:
1. In cases where a channel engages in the telecast of objectionable content, such as hate
speech, violent material, pornography, nudity, sexual activity, intoxicants (liquor),
cruel and insensitive content, personal disputes, false news, misrepresentation,
promotional interviews, or any other objectionable material, the following
consequences shall apply:
2. Immediate suspension of the empanelment of the website, web channel, application, or
social media influencer by the Competent Authority.
3. Blacklisting of the website, web channel, application, or social media influencer for a
specified duration, which shall not be less than six months, as determined by the
Competent Authority.
4. Advertisements falling within the following categories may result in penalties or the
cancellation of the empanelment of the channel:
a. Hate Speech (Religious, Community, etc).
b. Violent Content.
c. Gender Discrimination.
d. Nudity and Sexual Activity, Intoxicants (Liquor).
e. Cruel and Insensitive Content.
f. Personal Disputes.
g. False News.
h. Misrepresentation.
i. Anti-State/Anti-National content sharing.
j. Promotional interviews.
k. Any other objectionable Material.

These measures are in place to ensure that empanelled channels adhere to ethical content
standards and refrain from disseminating harmful or offensive material.
Cancellation of Empanelment:
Draft made by EY
The Competent Authority reserves the right to cancel the empanelment of websites, news
web channels, applications, or social media influencers under the following circumstances:
a) If the website, web channel, application, or social media influencer refuses to display
an advertisement issued by the department within the specified timeframe and in the
prescribed manner, as indicated in the Release Order (RO).
b) In cases where the unique visitors, followers, or subscribers of a particular web
channel, website, application, or social media influencer decrease by ten percent at
any given point in time, until they meet the qualification criteria once again.
It’s important to note that when the Competent Authority issues an order under sub-clause
(a), the empanelled website, web channel, application, or social media influencer will not be
eligible for re-empanelment until at least six months have passed since the date of the order.
Furthermore, if the Competent Authority issues an order under sub-clause (b), the
empanelled entity may reapply for empanelment, and re-empanelment may be granted upon
satisfactory compliance with the qualifications outlined in clause 3 of these guidelines.
Additional Terms and Conditions:
1. Websites, web channels, applications, and social media influencers applying for
empanelment must provide an Affidavit, bearing the name, signature, and seal of the
authorized signatory. This Affidavit should declare the accuracy of the information
submitted and the commitment to abide by all DGIPR Maharashtra’s empanelment
Terms & Conditions, as well as any decisions made by DGIPR Maharashtra. In the
event that the submitted information is found to be false or incorrect in any way, the
website, web channel, application, or social media influencer may face suspension
or debarment from empanelment or applying for empanelment for a period of up to
three years.
2. Empanelment and the finalized advertisement rates will remain valid for a two-year
period. If a website, web channel, application, or social media influencer is rejected
by either DAVP or DGIPR Maharashtra, a fresh application can be submitted only
after one month.
3. The Unique User Data for each empanelled website and the followers/subscribers of
web channels, websites, and applications will be annually reviewed in the first week
of April by DGIPR Maharashtra. Any necessary revisions to categories and
corresponding rates will be considered, and the decision of the Director General,
DGIPR Maharashtra, will be final.

4. An empanelled website or news web channel may be debarred from receiving
government ads from DGIPR Maharashtra for the remaining duration of its
empanelment if it consistently refuses to accept and display advertisements issued
by DGIPR Maharashtra.
5. In the event of disputes or disagreements related to empanelment, rates, or other
terms and conditions, the decision of the Director General, DGIPR Maharashtra, will
be considered final.
6. All quoted rates are net rates, with applicable GST and other taxes to be paid
Draft made by EY
7. Copies of all required documents for empanelment must be submitted in hard copy
to the DGIPR Maharashtra office, clearly labelled with “Empanelment of the
website, web channel, application, or social media influencer” on top.
DGIPR, Government of Maharashtra shall have the right to interpret and
elaborate any provision of this guidelines.

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